Neck rejuvenation: guide to the most effective manipulations

A woman's age usually shows not in her face, as is commonly believed, but in her neck. This is where plastic surgery comes in.

beautiful young neck skin

Beauty and time are two eternal rivals, a confrontation that in most cases ends in the victory of the latter. At the same time, the chest and neck skin areas are mainly targeted. How to prevent her premature aging with the help of plastics and what manipulations are considered the most effective - find out with plastic surgeon, professor, doctor of sciencemedical Igor Bely.

Why does the neck age earlier than other areas of the body?

The answer to this question lies in a peculiarity of human anatomy: under the skin of the neck is the Platysma muscle, located in the center of the entire surface of the cervix (except for a small triangular area in the middle) - fromlower border of the clavicle to the lower jawbone.

The peculiarity of this type of muscle is that it is very wide, thin and does not attach to bones, which means that with age, it quickly loses its elasticity and firmness. In addition, it is worth noting that it has few sebaceous glands and fatty deposits, which is why the skin of the neck is often prone to dryness and quickly forms wrinkles. So what can be done to maintain the youth and beauty of this vulnerable skin?

Causes of aging skin on the neck

It should be noted that it is not always necessary to have plastic surgery to eliminate problems in the cervical area. If you are unsatisfied with the quality and texture of your skin or with horizontal wrinkles, it is better to contact an esthetician first. But you need the help of a cosmetologist to solve itthe following problems:

  • Fat accumulation in the neck and chin (or second chin);
  • Characteristic (vertical) fibers on the neck;
  • Skin folds, excess fat, weakened muscles.

If you have discovered one or more of these symptoms in yourself, welcome to a consultation with a plastic surgeon.


To solve the problem of excess fat and double chin, people will perform liposuction - vacuuming fat tissue through small holes. After such a surgery, as a rule, the child's skin will have the opportunity to shrink on its own, while you just need to follow the surgeon's recommendations and wear a special elastic bandage for a while. If we are talking about surgery on aging skin, it is advisable to perform liposuction with a SMAS machine, because, unlike young skin, aging skin is difficult to shrink on its own.

neck rejuvenation liposuction


Another problem is the longitudinal bands on the neck, which occur in patients of various ages with a lack of fatty tissue in the neck and chin. In this case, it is necessary to tighten the muscle, aka a cartography. This is a rather complicated surgery and we call it a mini-lift because it is done through a small incision and does not require long rehabilitation. At the same time, the bruises on the neck can be hidden with a towel, and you can go to work almost the next day after plastic surgery.

Mammography is almost always followed by an SMAS or endotin lift, or at least a primary thread lift. The fact is that this mini-plasty surgery perfectly corrects the center of the neck and barely affects the peripheral areas that look "saggy" after surgery. SMAS-lift is needed to compensate for this significant drawback.

Alternative to Platysmaplasty

Of course, not all young girls are ready for such a major surgery, and in this case, there is another method of lifting that allows you to do it without the need for a thorough surgical intervention. and additional sutures. It consists in the fact that the muscles are not drawn to the central line of the neck, but to the periphery. So you can get a more beautiful and complete neck lift without unnecessary incisions.

Age options

middle aged woman with fading neck

What do middle-aged and older patients want? This is not only the removal of excess fatty tissue or fibers on the neck, but also restore the clear contours of the face and eliminate flabby, skin folds not only in the neck but also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "brills".

In this case, not only liposuction and/or mapping is required, but skin tightening is also required. Proper and beautiful neck tightening can only be done in conjunction with the SMAS facelift. But even for older patients, such an operation can be performed without the use of long incisions (the stitches will be "hidden" in the fold behind the ear).

PS If you are thinking of a neck lift, don't forget that this area is not a separate part of the body and is not related to the face, so the procedure should usually be done in conjunction withfacelift to achieve the most effective results. When choosing a particular method to solve a problem, it is best to consult a specialist.

5 effective procedures to perfect the skin of the neck and chest area

Usually, from all anti-aging procedures, it is best to apply a night cream to the neck and face areas, or even not at all. But if you persistently ignore the skin's needs in these delicate areas, you can get the eerie (and sometimes terrifying) effect of a youthful face on a flabby neck.

neck rejuvenation therapy

First of all, the neck and chest areas are respectively the area from the chin to the collarbone and from the collarbone to the upper contour of the mammary gland (the area that remains open after you put on a bra). The skin here is thin and fragile, with almost no subcutaneous fat (especially in the chest), as a rule, prone to dryness and sagging. Lack of care, lack of moisture, use of a lot of sun, habit of lying on your side when sleeping - some factors lead to the fact that by the age of 30, the natural "rings of Venus" on the neck can turn into stretch marks. The "damage" is not aesthetic, and the rough longitudinal wrinkles on the faded fabric become the continuation of the seductively fragile cleavage. What needs to be done to prevent this from happening, and what to do when trouble is already looming ahead? We deal with Irina Nikolaevna Ivanova, doctor of the highest class, professional esthetician-dermatologist of the clinic

Age 20 and up

take care of your neck when you're young

The skin on the neck and chest needs the same care as the skin on the face. If you start taking care of her health and condition first, you can avoid major problems in the future. So, one of the main reasons leading to the appearance of premature wrinkles is dehydration. Often it is caused by active exposure to the sun. Remember that UV rays accelerate skin aging many times over and protect your skin with creams with SPF filters (you should definitely do this in spring and summer)! Ideal for preventing dehydration at a young ageplasmolifting. What is her personality? Blood is taken from a vein and placed in a special centrifuge. The resulting plasma will be injected into the skin of the face, neck and chest. It has been shown that plasmolifting stimulates collagen production, and as a result not only moisturizes the skin but also maintains the density and elasticity of the skin. And most importantly, all of this is achieved through the body's own resources. Plasmolifting is carried out in a course of 4-5 times, 1-2 times a year, depending on the initial condition of the skin and its needs.

35 years old and up

neck care after 30 years

Turning to the age of 30, the signs of aging become more obvious: the skin appears some flabby, deeper physiological folds, forming "sleeping wrinkles". Dry skin becomes a regular problem and moisturizer no longer solves it. More serious therapy is needed - deep hydration and stimulation of collagen production. This procedure is perfect for this.biological- Injections of hyaluronic acid (a hyaluronic acid molecule capable of holding between 100 and 800 water molecules! ) Usually with the addition of certain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, and growth factors. Today, many manufacturers of high-quality injections produce biostimulants (the same hyaluronic acid or cocktails based on it) in a volume of 1. 5-3 ml - this amount is enough to "moisturize" not only for the face, but also the neck and fade dark spots. area. Of course, the optimal long-term effect is achieved through a course of treatment. For example, for biorecovery, it is 3-5 procedures 1-2 times a year. Reducing the depth of wrinkles and "tightening" the skin will helpbiological booster- injectable fillers based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. Working in the deep layers, they fill in wrinkles from the inside, reconstruct the natural skin frame, and at the same time stimulate collagenogenesis, providing beautiful and long-lasting aesthetic results.

Age 45+

How to rejuvenate skin after 45 years old

The main skin problems after the age of 40 are deep, pronounced wrinkles and loss of elasticity. At this age, bioremediation alone will not be enough to maintain the youth and beauty of the neck and chest skin. Will helplaser fractional resurfacing. This method causes damage and takes about 6-7 days to recover, but today it is one of the best methods in the fight against skin aging. In fact, the procedure involves multiple controlled laser ablations, followed by active recovery. As a result, laxity and sagging of the skin gradually disappear on the neck, and the depth of physiological folds and "sleep wrinkles" in the discolored area are reduced. Depending on the skin condition, the treatment can be done once or according to the course, but only applied in autumn and winter. If you combine it with moisturizing and injectable filler procedures, you can get near-perfect skin - velvety smooth, firm and elastic. Also, to tighten the neck skin, you can usemesothreads- Absorbent threads are injected under the skin and allow you to "frame" and improve the shape of your face.